Pitch Notation
This lesson is part of the Fundamentals of Twelve-Tone Equal Temperament category. |
- Students will be able to notate, name, and play (on a keyboard) a pitch in treble, alto, tenor, or bass clef.
- Student will be able to name notes using American note notation and/or octave notation
- Student will be able to identify notes on a piano keyboard
- Student will be able to identify pitches given the European solfege name or integer notation
- Student will understand difference between pitches, octaves, chroma, and pitch classes
- Music Theory for Musicians and Normal People - Notation: Pitch.
- Schaffer, Open Music Theory: Pitch (Class)
- Hutchinson, Music Theory for the 21st Century Classroom: Basic Concepts
- Dolmetsch: Notes and Keys in Various Languages
- Wolfe, Music Acoustics: Note names, MIDI numbers, and frequencies
- Cook, Music Theory - Chapter 2:
- Sengspiel Audio: Keyboard and Frequency Calculator
- Wolfe, Music Acoustics: Frequency to Musical Note Converter
Class Activities[edit]
- Discussion of the symbology of pitch in staff notation
- Discussion of notation using integer notation
- Discussion of Fixed Do Solfège
- Construction and performance of written melodies
- Melodic transcription of short excerpts of music from different genres and time periods
- Transcription of a given written melody to different modalities (other clef, integer, solfege notations)
- Notating enharmonics
- Musictheory.net: