Motivic Development
- Students will understand the use of motive in a musical composition
- Students will be able to identify different types of development of a particular motive.
- Students will be able to develop a given motive in several different ways (transposition, inversion, retrograde, augmentation, diminution, etc.).
Class Activities[edit]
- Discussion and definition of motive and leitmotif
- Discussion and exploration of different kinds of motivic development
- Identification and analysis of different kinds of motivic development in different genres of music
- Composition and improvisation involving development of a given motive
- Listening and analysis of a fugue for motivic variations
- Identification and analysis of leitmotif in dramatic settings
- Identification and analysis of motivic development in written and recorded music
- Development of a short motive in multiple ways
- Compose a short fugal introduction with any given motive