Triads & Inversions

From Advancing Music Theory
This lesson is part of the Fundamentals of Twelve-Tone Equal Temperament category.


  • Students will be able to write a major, minor, augmented and diminished triads using a given note as root, third, or fifth.
  • Students will be able to identify the inversion of a given triad.
  • Students will be able to write a given triad in any inversion.
  • Students will understand figured bass or slash-chord notation for all inversions.
  • Students will learn about open versus closed chord voicing



Class Activities[edit]

  • Deriving triads in major and minor keys or modes
  • Writing a given type of triad using a given note as root, third, or fifth
  • Writing a triad in different inversions
  • Identifying a triad in different inversions using both figured bass and slash-chord notation


  • Writing triads in different inversions
  • Identifying triads for root and inversion

