Extended Harmonies & Popular Chords
This lesson is part of the Fundamentals of Twelve-Tone Equal Temperament category. |
- Students will be familiar with naming conventions for popular chords and extended harmonies in different systems.
- Students will be able to derive a chord given a chord name or symbol in different systems.
- Student will be able to notate chords in slash, lead sheet, and figured bass notation
- Focus on: extended chord types (9ths, 11ths, 13ths), add2, add4, suspended, powers, 6 chords.
- Music Notes Now: "A Complete Guide to Chord Symbols in Music"
- Acevedo: Handout on Chord Types
- How Music Works
- Music Theory for Musicians and Normal People: Extended Chords
- Hutchinson, Music Theory for the 21st Century Classroom:
Class Activities[edit]
- Discussion and definition of popular chord types versus classical naming conventions
- Discussion and definition of extended harmonies and popular/jazz naming conventions
- Construction and performance of a given popular chord or extended harmony
- Writing popular chords and extended harmonies
- Identifying popular chords and extended harmonies
- Identifying and naming chords in different stylistic contexts (i.e. inverted 7th versus 6 chord)
- MusicTheory.Net:
- Teoria.Com: