From Advancing Music Theory
This lesson is part of the Style & Compositional Techniques category.
- Students will be familiar with the different families of instruments, their members, and their general characteristics.
- Students will understand the concept of transposing instruments and be able transpose a melody for a particular instrument.
- Students will be familiar with string instrument bowing, and be able to notate bowing in a string instrument part.
- Students will be familiar with notation conventions for vocal scores, including proper hyphenation and use of melismas.
- Students will be familiar with percussion notation conventions, including writing for unpitched instruments and drum set.
Class Activities[edit]
- Discussion and demonstration of vocal registers and instruments from each family
- Discussion regarding transpiring instruments
- Transposition of a given melody for a particular transposing instrument
- Demonstration of handling transposing instruments in notation software
- Discussion and definition of notation conventions for string, vocal and percussion music
- Viewing and discussing notated music using different instrument-specific conventions
- Addition of bow markings to a given string melody
- Transcription of a vocal melody which includes melismas
- Transcription of a measure of a drum set beat and a one-measure fill
- Transposition of a melody for a specified transposing instrument
- Addition of bowing to a given string melody
- Transcription of a recorded drum set beat
- Transcription of a vocal melody
Style & Practice |
Orchestration | |
Techniques | |
Processes | |
Styles | |
Formats | |
Theory II |
Semesters | |
Lessons | |